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At GTS Brand Protect, what sets us apart is the amalgamation of diverse expertise within our team. Our members hail from various disciplines and bring with them a wealth of experience. Our collective backgrounds encompass corporate and risk investigation, government enforcement, information technology, and supply chain specialization. This multifaceted knowledge ensures that our solutions are not only comprehensive but also finely tuned for maximum effectiveness.

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Our Difference

Proven Legacy of Success

With combined experience and a legacy from Global Trade Shield, GTS Brand Protect boasts an extensive track record of effectively dismantling counterfeiting operations through strategic raids and investigations.

Collaborative Authority Engagement

GTS Brand Protect's partnerships extend to esteemed brands and government authorities across Southeast Asia, demonstrating our authority and capability to work in tandem with both sectors.

Tailored Solutions for Long Term Impact

We understand that every business's needs are unique. GTS Brand Protect crafts tailored strategies that align with each client's specific challenges and goals, fostering a personalized and effective approach towards trademark infringement, price manipulator and parallel import. By choosing GTS Brand Protect, you're selecting a partner with a distinguished history, a comprehensive and innovative approach, and an unyielding commitment to safeguarding your brand's integrity in the complex landscape of online commerce.

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Our Mission

At GTS Brand Protect, our mission is to staunchly stand by brands, orchestrating the removal of counterfeit products from e-commerce platforms. By doing so, we not only restore lost revenue but also rekindle brand reputations. Our unwavering commitment is rooted in fostering an affordable avenue for businesses to combat the scourge of counterfeits. Through our actions, we aspire to cultivate a more secure online marketplace, instilling confidence and assurance in consumers.

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Our Vision

We envision a landscape where authenticity prevails and brand integrity is inviolable. GTS Brand Protect seeks to spearhead a transformation, where businesses can thrive without the looming threat of counterfeits. By offering comprehensive solutions, we aim to redefine the standards of online commerce, making it a sanctuary for both brands and consumers. Our vision is one of trust, protection, and empowerment, where counterfeiters are thwarted, and genuine businesses flourish.

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Our Story

With over 25 years of dedicated experience in dismantling counterfeiting operations through numerous successful raids, Ray and Azizi forged their partnership while working at Global Trade Shield (GTS), a prominent entity recognized for its exceptional efforts. GTS earned its renown by collaborating with various esteemed brands and governmental bodies across Southeast Asia. Their role encompassed vital functions such as investigative work, meticulous evidence compilation, and instrumental support leading to arrests. Notably, GTS's collaboration extended to Dato Dahuri, a former Deputy Director within Malaysia's Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives, and Consumerism, further solidifying their authoritative connections.

Meanwhile, Boon Toh and Kheng Guan carved their professional paths within the realm of Information Technology and software development. Their expertise flourished over the years, fostering an invaluable skill set in these dynamic fields. The inception of our endeavor transpired over a casual coffee conversation between Ray and Boon Toh. Their discourse, initially lighthearted, swiftly evolved into a grave discussion as they delved into the rampant proliferation of counterfeit goods and replicas circulating online, particularly within Southeast Asia. The gravity of this issue came to the forefront as the e-commerce landscape erased geographical boundaries, amplifying the challenges posed by counterfeiters.

With unwavering determination and a shared mission, Ray and Boon Toh set out to champion the cause against these modern threats. They swiftly recruited Azizi and Kheng Guan, who embraced the cause with equal fervor. As word of our nascent initiative spread, Dato Dahuri, recognizing the potential impact, expressed his desire to join forces. Thus, GTS Brand Protect was born—a dynamic venture singularly focused on empowering businesses to combat the rampant proliferation of online trademark infringements. Our commitment to safeguarding intellectual property and upholding the integrity of businesses forms the bedrock of our mission.

Our Comprehensive Service Offerings

At GTS Brand Protect, we are committed to safeguarding your brand from the threats of counterfeiting and unauthorized online activity. Our tailored services provide a proactive defense, ensuring the integrity of your products and reputation. Explore our range of offerings:

Online Marketplace Monitoring

Automated Data Gathering

Our advanced tools scour online marketplaces to collect real-time data on product listings, sellers, and potential infringements.

AI Monitoring

Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, we employ cutting-edge algorithms to identify and flag suspicious activities across various online platforms.

Intelligence Gathering

Our team of experts collects, analyzes, and consolidates intelligence to provide you with insights into market trends, potential threats, and emerging risks.

Online Take-Down

Liaising with Online Marketplaces

We engage directly with online marketplaces to initiate swift and effective takedown procedures, removing counterfeit listings and unauthorized sellers.

Reporting and Dashboard

Throughout the process, we provide detailed reports, keeping you informed about the progress of takedown efforts, actionable insights, and outcomes achieved. The reports and dashboards can also be accessed in real time from the BOSS platform.

Brand Online Security System (BOSS)

The Ultimate Defense Platform

Our proprietary online platform, BOSS, empowers you with daily access to comprehensive product listings, seller information, and real-time monitoring, enabling you to take control of your brand's online presence. Whether you're seeking to proactively protect your brand, respond to threats, or take back control of your online presence, GTS Brand Protect offers a holistic suite of services designed to safeguard your brand's integrity in the digital landscape. Contact us today to embark on a journey of secure online brand management.

Management Team

Dato Ahmad Dahuri Mahmud


Dato’ Dahuri was a former Deputy Director of Enforcement (Operations) in the Malaysia Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism. Retired and with his compelling 35-year first-hand experiences in taking down counterfeiter and intellectual property infringers, he now continue his quest with GTS Brand Protect. His professional experience has also made him invaluable to advise business on supply chain and anti-profiteering, network marketing, as well as unfair trade practices.

Yeap Boon Toh


Boon Toh has been always been involved with technology and enterprise IT since he started his career. He is currently also serving as Advisers in the Board of few other companies that specializes in technology and manufacturing. His well verse in business strategy, finance, processes and technology made him the most suited candidate to help lead GTS Brand Protect. Being the main integrator in the team, he was instrumental to putting together this team and the BOSS platform.

Toh Kheng Guan


Kheng Guan has 30 years of experience in the IT industry, working in North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia implementing and managing large-scale multi-agency e-Government and Cross-Border Trade software systems. He is now the key lead the in the development of BOSS and the accompany AI platform.

Ray Patrick

Market Intelligence Director

Ray is veteran in the trade of battling counterfeiters and scams. He is also consulted by companies in risk and business continuity. He has more than 2 decades of experience and constantly engages global brands in implementing business risk mitigation. Ray’s side gigs includes training professionals `in law enforcement agencies on investigative methods in anti-counterfeiting.

Azizi Ali

Field Operations Director

Azizi is a former investigator in the Enforcement Division, Malaysia’s Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism. He is proficient on the laws enforcement in the area of intellectual property, network marketing, trade compliance and consumerism. He is regularly engaged by the authorities to assist in evidence gathering and raids. His experience has made him instrumental in sniffing out counterfeits and arrest.

Geoffrey Yeoh

Business Development and Operations

Geoffrey has been working in the IT industry in Europe and Asia for the past 23 years. His experience in various disciplines such as business analyst, project management, information technology, and training. His multifaceted experience has propel GTS to take in many new clients in a short time.


Our solutions have helped companies in numerous industries to protect their brands

Fashion, Sports and Cosmetic

One of the most common counterfeited products due to the fast moving nature and profit margin. These days counterfeiters would outright priced their product just slightly below the actual product price when sold online. First time consumer would normally not aware of the counterfeits until the inferiority of the product starts to show.

Health and Pharmaceuticals

These counterfeiters are highly sophisticated and be able to create exact replicas of the actual product – and sold and priced according to the actual product. Some of the products can be often dangerous as materials used are not as claimed and can be detrimental to the consumer. At times, control items may also be sold in unauthorized channel or priced differently from the brand’s intended channel and pricing model.

Homeware and Electronics

Homeware and electronics companies often suffers high losses of revenue from trademark infringement and product replicas. These products are often sold at a fraction of the original price and has inferior quality make up. Some infringers even uses the trademark of the brands on their products and sold online.

Industrial products

From tractors to chain saws, industrial products are not spared from trademark infringers especially in the area of replacement parts. The commonly use tactics is to claim association or endorsement to the actual brand or as OEM alternative for replacement. The alternative products are often inferior in quality and can cause damages to the actual product or the consumer when use together. The counterfeits or OEM products causes the original brand it’s reputation and revenue.


Like industrial products, the automobile also suffers from replacement parts counterfeits. From engine oil to auto parts replacement, there are numerous large scale counterfeits that are often offering inferior quality product for slightly cheaper price. They often prying on consumers that look for price discount and getting their vehicle damage from using these products.


From games to productive software, these are so rampantly sold online for a fraction of the price by the software companies. Usually sold as cracked or hacked, these software often made it into the consumer computers with the risk of spyware embedded. The downloadable digital product also made it harder to trace and arrest these infringers culprits.


Despite the affordable and widely available online subscription for songs and movies, content infringers are still able to profit from selling aggregated songs or movies on online marketplace. Paddling on convenient, consumer often purchase these products without realizing the risk of spyware or breaking the law.

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GTS Brand Protect Sdn Bhd

BO1-A-09-1, Menara 2, KL Eco City (KLEC),
No. 3, Jalan Bangsar, 59200 Kuala Lumpur,

Phone: +60 3-8688 3847

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